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Our energy saving initiatives

Climate change caused by the accumulation of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere represents one of the most severe threats facing the global community.

Following years of consistently working to implement initiatives to improve the sustainability of operations, Waterbom was proud to become the first tourism operation in Bali to officially become carbon neutral.

Using the guidelines from the Greenhouse Gas Protocol, an initiative facilitated by the World Resource Institute and World Business Council For Sustainable Development, our activities have been measured and quantified including:

  • Implementation of a closed loop circulation system, meaning all our water is circulated and goes back to our Lazy River ride which circles the centre of the park
  • Direct emissions resulting from activities in our control such as burning fuels in the kitchens, wastewater treatment and transport
  • Indirect emissions such as electricity purchased
  • Other indirect emissions including employee commute and waste generated that is sent to recycling or landfill


Key initiatives to conserve energy include:

  • Installation of approximately 360 solar panels across the park and office building, providing up to 800 kWh/day - enough to cover 8% of our electricity
  • As of November 2023, almost 25% of Waterbom staff have shifted to electric bikes
  • Almost all of our electrical equipments are retrofit