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A waterpark that saves water?

The beauty and unique culture that has driven the explosion of tourism and development on the island are now threatened as the once abundant natural resources—particularly freshwater—are straining under the load.

Water minimization initiatives have been implemented across the park as part of an overarching strategy to actively reduce our overall environmental footprint. .

Key Initiatives to conserve water include:

  • Implementation of a closed loop circulation system, meaning all our water is circulated and goes back to our Lazy River ride which circles the centre of the park
  • Installation of timed, low flow rate taps throughout the park
  • Recycling of grey water for irrigation use through out our gardens
  • Waterbom’s extensive drainage systems act as a giant recharge well channeling rain back into the water table instead of washing away 


Our objective is to have zero loss of water from the park in the form of runoff.